Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Brent Hayward's Memories of World Horror Convention 2011

Brent Hayward (FilariaThe Fecund's Melancholy Daughter) shared these thoughts about the World Horror Convention this past weekend in Austin, TX:
WHC was a blast from beginning to end, though I was only in Austin for two days. I met a lot of people, some whose name I had previously known, others, not so much. Everyone was great. There was a regular flow of beer and good food. The furthest I strayed from the hotel was to Thundercloud Subs, just across a few dozen lanes of highway. (I have been to Austin before, so remaining in the vicinity of the very nice Doubletree Hotel wasn’t ever frustrating, despite the knowledge that, all the while, a very cool and special city lay not too far away.) Highlights from the con are difficult to pick out, but I will list a few: laughing about ass goblins; the CZP kegger launch, with hot dogs and pretty colours on the margarita machine as it churned; the EDGE launch, with readings about dead strippers; the drunken frat boy—a little person—who chatted with me as he took the glasses from atop my head while I waited for the shuttle; my peaceful room, overlooking the courtyard....
Thanks, Brent. If anyone out there has memories they'd like to share, send 'em our way!

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