Wednesday, April 11, 2012

An interview with the Careys

Chadwick Ginther of McNally Robinson has interviewed the authors of The Steel Seraglio: Mike, Linda, and Louise Carey. They talk about the challenges of collaborating, their story choices and what they would do if they encountered a djinni.

Read the interview here.

The Steel Seraglio is available now!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Weird Fiction Review interviews Gemma Files

Gemma Files, author of the Hexslinger trilogy, sat down with Weird Fiction review to discuss her story "Blood Makes Noise", her outlook on horror and when weird is too weird.

WFR: What do you think is the appeal of weird fiction generally? The scare? Catharsis? Something else?
Files: For me, the appeal is the idea of creating something that will make the person reading it look over their own shoulder uneasily, but also feel as though they recognize it on some inmost level…to create an unnatural concept which nevertheless seems part of of the natural order. You never saw it before, but the minute you do, you realize it’s always underlain everything. So emotional catharsis, yes, but better than that, a sense of completion which dissolves upon closer examination. The closest we can come to a primitive religious experience, maybe — a true Mystery, in the ancient Greek sense.

Read the whole interview! 

The Hexslinger books include A Book of Tongues, A Rope of Thorns, and the final volume, A Tree of Bones, releasing May 15.

ESC "vicious as a kick to the shin"

"EVERY SHALLOW CUT ranks among Tom Piccirilli’s best work. ...As abrupt and vicious as a kick to the shin... A marvelous noir-flavored character study." - Scott Emerson

Read the review.

Order your copy of Every Shallow Cut.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Pattern Scars gets 5 stars

Lorina Stephens gave Caitlin Sweet's The Pattern Scars 5 out of 5 stars, writing: "From the first sentences Sweet demonstrates her craftsmanship by translating the reader into a richly and perfectly realized world... If you are of a tender heart, as am I, it is a novel that will make you weep, and one you will return to time and again."

Read the review!

Order your copy of The Pattern Scars!

Shoebox Train Wreck reviewed!

One of our newest offerings, John Mantooth's collection Shoebox Train Wreck, got a great review in The Crow's Caw. 

"Mantooth plays with genre without hesitation. Literary, horror, science fiction, suspense and noir are all touched upon and regardless, his voice remains clear, the writing gripping, his characters devastatingly real." - K. E. Bergdoll
Read the full review. Find out more about Shoebox Train Wreck.

Lura Slowinski reviews The Pattern Scars

"[Caitlin] Sweet strikes a perfect balance with the prose, just enough lyricism and vibrant sensory detail to set the chilling tone, but not enough fancy wordwork to take the reader out of the story." - Lura Slowinski

Read the full review.

Buy The Pattern Scars