Because we love our fans so much, in honour of Valentine's Day we're giving away free eBooks of Monstrous Affections and Objects of Worship. All you have to do is tell the world how much you love us on Facebook or Twitter.
But you have to act today.
On Facebook
If you post “I have monstrous affection for ChiZine Publications” as your status, we’ll give you the eBook version of David Nickle's Monstrous Affections for free! Prefer Claude Lalumière's Objects of Worship? Use “ChiZine Publications is my object of worship.” But--and this is important--you have to tag us in your status. (If you don’t know what tagging is, see below.)
For Twitter lovers, we’ll give away the eBook of Objects of Worship as a free download for a limited time if we see 100 tweets of “@ChiZinePub is my object of worship” today. And if there’s 100 tweets of “I have monstrous affection for @ChiZinePub,” we’ll do the same for Monstrous Affections.
When does this giveaway end?
You have until midnight, Toronto time (EST; UTC/GMT -5 hours)
How do I get a free eBook via Facebook?
In the coming days, we’ll send a Facebook message to everyone who posts “I have monstrous affection for ChiZine Publications” or “ChiZine Publications is my object of worship,” (provided you tagged us, which is how we’ll find you). If you don’t hear from us by February 21, send us a message through Facebook.
What’s Tagging on Facebook?
When entering your status, type @ and then start typing “ChiZine Publications”. If we’re friends (and I hope we are after all we’ve been through together) you’ll see our name show up below your post. Select it and keep typing. Facebook has a more descriptive article at http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=109765592130.
How will you give away the free eBook for Twitter?
We’ll post a link on Twitter.
Do retweets count in the 100 tweets?
Heck, yes. We want people to love us! So go ahead and add a “Pls RT” to your tweet if you want.
Can I tweet or post both messages to get both books?
Yup. Show us twice the love, you get twice the free stuff.
Any more questions?
Leave them in the comments.
You might want to mention that Facebook users need to friend "ChiZine Publications" in order to tag you.
ReplyDeleteBEN: Thanks for the suggestion, but we mention it in the "What's Tagging on Facebook?" section down below.